Super speciality
tertiary eye care hospital
An NABH Accredited Organisation
We help you see better.
Welcome to Radhatri Nethralaya!
We have a vision and mission to treat all patients with best quality eye care irrespective of socioeconomic class.
Your Vision is our Mission
Radhatri Nethralaya (RN) is a super speciality tertiary eye care hospital in Chennai, Tamilnadu. Situated in T. Nagar, it is located in the heart of the city with easy accessibility and a calm and green surrounding area. At RN, we provide the best medical and surgical eye care available, with compassion and sensitivity to our patients’ needs.
Started with the divine blessings
Radhatri Nethralaya has been started with the divine blessings of the late Kanchi Maha Swami and Gurupriyaji Maharaj of Mahadevi Satsangam, Chennai. It is the dreamchild of Late Mrs. Radha Vedantham, a philanthropic soul who dreamt of equitable eye care regardless of class and creed for all economic sections of society.
Radhatri Nethralaya (RN) is a 16 year-old NABH accredited super speciality tertiary eye care hospital in T. Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. At RN, we provide international standards of best medical and surgical eye care, with compassion and sensitivity to our patient’s needs, irrespective of socio-economic background. Our Public Charitable trust, Gurupriya Vision Research Foundation (GVRF) was launched in 2009, in keeping with this philosophy to ensure free eye care to the needy. Radhatri Nethralaya & GVRF are recognised as partners with the National programme of control of blindness (NPCB) of the Government of India for the elimination of preventable and treatable causes of blindness, especially in the field of cataract and childhood blindness.
Radhatri Nethralaya has world class equipment in Diagnostic and Surgical Ophthalmology, namely the fastest OCT machine in the world (from USA), Dyeless Angiography (OCT Angiography), Glaucoma Cyclo G6 Cyclophotocoagulation Laser machine (the first machine in Tamil Nadu),
Carl Zeiss Lumeira Surgical Microscope (from Germany), Painless Yellow (577 nm) and Green (532 nm) lasers (from USA), Constellation Phaco-vitrectomy machine (from USA) to offer sutureless cataract and retinal, corneal and glaucoma surgeries. Our research work on injections in the eye in preterm babies with the blinding condition called ROP & the three year report on Project Vision on Wheels, our rural teleophthalmology project to combat ROP, were published in the prestigious Indian Journal of Ophthalmology as original articles: they are the largest series in the world as per Medline search.
Radhatri Nethralaya (RN), has a strong philanthropic vision and has a private-public partnership with the Govt. of Tamilnadu at The Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (IOG), Stanley, RSRM, Kilpauk Government Medical Colleges, and Gosha Hospital, Triplicane, Chennai for free screening and treatment of preterm babies with a blinding disorder known as Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). Through its innovative Project Vision on Wheels, a rural teleophthalmology project, Radhatri Nethralaya under the aegis of GVRF prevents needless blindness in babies in far flung areas all over rural Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh, and has screened more than one lakh fifty thousand babies till date by state-of-the-art hand held retinal cameras.
Radhatri Nethralaya is one of the top referral centers in the country for ROP, and has won several International awards and grants from USA, Switzerland, Nepal, Bangladesh and many National recognitions from Prestigious Governmental and Non-Governmental organisations and Medical associations such as IMA (Indian Medical Association), AIOS (All India Ophthalmic Society), ACOIN (Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India), WOS (All India Women Ophthalmic Society), TNOA (Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association) among others.